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Garbage truck
Garbage truck

Baiyi has three-wheel garbage trucks, four-wheel garbage trucks, rear-loading garbage trucks, 8-barrel trash bin transport trucks, two-class seal trash bin transport trucks, four-class seal trash bin transport trucks and other garbage trucks to meet customers' different garbage removal needs. The vehicle is pure electric, which meets the world's environmental protection requirements, does not produce exhaust emissions, and has zero carbon dioxide emissions. It has stable driving, long battery life and convenient operation, and can complete garbage removal and transportation in various situations. In the process of garbage removal, there will be no spillage and no secondary pollution to the environment. Moreover, the chassis of the vehicle is a heavy-duty chassis, with stable performance and a service life of 5-8 years, and there will be no dumping phenomenon for unloading safety. This series of models can enjoy a full-year warranty on the whole vehicle, and will be provided with life-long after-sales service by dedicated engineers.

Rear loading garbage truckBY-L35
Rear loading garbage truckBY-L35

Power source: pure electric

Trash capacity: 3.5CBM

Recharge mileage: ≥80KM

Pure Electric Garbage TricycleBY-L25
Pure Electric Garbage TricycleBY-L25

Power source: Pure Electric

Trash capacity: 2.5CBM

Recharge mileage: ≥60KM

Garbage bin collection truckBY-L8
Garbage bin collection truckBY-L8

Power source: pure electric

Trash capacity: 8 trash bin

Recharge mileage: 80-100Km

Four-category garbage truckBY-L8-M
Four-category garbage truckBY-L8-M

Power source: pure electric

Trash capacity: 8 trash cans

Recharge mileage: ≥100KM

Two-category garbage truckBY-L20
Two-category garbage truckBY-L20

Power source: pure electric

Trash capacity: 4.3CBM

Recharge mileage: ≥100Km

Side-Loading Garbage Collection TruckBY-L30
Side-Loading Garbage Collection TruckBY-L30

Power source: Pure Electric

Trash capacity: 3CBM

Recharge mileage: 60-80KM

Electric Garbage TruckBY-L30
Electric Garbage TruckBY-L30

Power source: Battery Powered

Trash capacity: 3.2CBM

Recharge mileage: >=80

Two-category waste collection triycleBY-L10
Two-category waste collection triycleBY-L10

Power source: pure electric

Trash capacity: 1.5CBM

Recharge mileage: ≥50Km


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