The Main Points of Operation and Maintenance of Street Sweeper

Operating requirements and use regulations for drivers

1. The driver must wear the tooling and work license and dress neatly.

2, the driver must go through strict training, understand the performance characteristics of the sweeping car, and master the operation methods and skills.

Only after approval by relevant management personnel, can you get on the bus.

3. Personnel without professional training shall not drive the sweeper without authorization.

4, the driver must be familiar with and strictly implement the safety operation procedures and other rules and regulations.

5. The driver has the obligation to keep the appearance and interior of the sweeper clean. Take care of the integrity of all switches and parts used.

The Main Points of Operation and Maintenance of Street Sweeper

Street Sweeper  maintenance and maintenance

1, in strict accordance with the equipment maintenance plan, vehicle maintenance at the specified time, such as the need to repair the driver to the side of the equipment to check the disassembly steps,

fill in the inspection record. And record the replacement of parts in the work record sheet.

2. Key points of equipment maintenance and inspection

1) Regularly check whether the battery is used normally. Whether the safe part is in good working condition.

2) The working position of the front brush and the rear roller brush of the sweeper is well adjusted. Vacuum vacuuming closed, no dust leakage.

3) After completion of inspection, relevant personnel shall fill in the work record form.

The Main Points of Operation and Maintenance of Street Sweeper