Electric Garbage Collection Vehicle Battery Tips

The battery is an important part of the electric garbage collection vehicle. Without the battery, the vehicle has no power and naturally cannot move. It can be said that the importance of the battery for the electric garbage collection vehicle is unquestionable. However, in order to ensure the normal use of the electric garbage collection vehicle, some misunderstandings in the use of the battery must be reasonably avoided.

Misunderstandings in the use of electric garbage collection vehicle batteries:

Misunderstanding one: Parallel mixing of batteries.

Sometimes, because the load capacity of the electric garbage collection vehicle is relatively large, it often requires a larger amount of electricity. Once there is insufficient electricity, some users will privately connect a fully charged battery in parallel to use together. In fact, after parallel connection, the fully charged battery will charge the insufficiently charged battery with a large charging current, which can easily cause the active material of the plate to fall off and affect its service life.

Electric Garbage Collection Vehicle Battery Tips

Misunderstanding two: Series mixing of batteries.

In the use of batteries, sometimes there will also be phenomena of new and old batteries being used in series. They do not know that this practice will shorten the service life of the batteries, because the new batteries have more internal chemical reaction substances, higher terminal voltage, and smaller internal resistance, while the old batteries have lower terminal voltage and larger internal resistance. The two are mixed in series. In the charging state, the charging voltage at both ends of the old battery will be higher than that at both ends of the new battery, resulting in insufficient charging of the new battery and excessive charging of the old battery; in the discharge state, because The charge capacity of the new battery is larger than that of the old battery, resulting in excessive discharge of the old battery or even reverse polarity of the old battery. Therefore, batteries must not be mixed with new and old ones.

Misunderstanding three: Batteries with different charge capacities should not be mixed in series.

Because when two batteries with different loads are used in series, they will often cause excessive charging or discharging of the electric garbage collection vehicle’s small-capacity battery, thereby shortening its service life.

In order to extend the service life of electric garbage collection vehicle batteries, these three major misunderstandings in battery use must be reasonably avoided.

Electric Garbage Collection Vehicle Battery Tips